


1. 天気予報のチェック

A person checking a weather forecast on their smartphone in an outdoor camping setting. The smartphone screen shows weather icons for sunny, rainy, and windy conditions. In the background, there is a camping tent, trees, and mountains. The scene is peaceful with early morning light, and the person is sitting on a folding camping chair next to a tent. Nearby, a small campfire with a kettle is simmering.


2. 火の取り扱い

A camper safely handling a campfire at a campsite. The person is using long-handled tongs to adjust the firewood on a well-maintained fire pit with a stable fire. The scene includes safety precautions like a bucket of water nearby and a fire extinguisher placed on the ground. In the background, there is a tent, trees, and mountains, with a peaceful atmosphere in the late afternoon light.


  • 焚火台の使用: 直接地面で火を起こすのではなく、焚火台を使うことで火災リスクを低減できます。
  • 消火器具の準備: バケツに水を用意しておく、消火器を持参するなど、すぐに火を消せる環境を整えておきましょう。
  • 火の始末: キャンプ終了時には火が完全に消えたことを確認し、炭や薪の燃えかすもしっかり処理します。

3. 食材の保管と衛生管理

A camper carefully storing food at a campsite. The person is placing food items into a well-insulated cooler next to a camping table. On the table, there are sealed food containers and hygiene items like hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes. The background shows a tent, trees, and mountains. The atmosphere is calm and organized, with early afternoon light. The setup highlights proper food storage and hygiene management at a campsite.


  • クーラーボックスの使用: 肉や魚などの生鮮食品はしっかり冷やしておきます。
  • 衛生用品の携帯: ウェットティッシュやアルコール消毒液を持参し、食事前や調理の際に手を清潔に保つようにします。

4. キャンプサイトの安全確保

A camper setting up a safe campsite by securing a tent with stakes and ropes. The person is ensuring the tent is on stable ground, away from overhanging trees or water hazards. In the foreground, a fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit are placed near the camping gear. The background shows trees and mountains with a calm atmosphere, emphasizing the importance of safety precautions during camping.


  • 平らな場所を選ぶ: テントを張る場所はできるだけ平らで、安全な地形を選びます。傾斜がある場所や水が溜まりやすい場所は避けるべきです。
  • 落石や倒木の確認: 周囲に大きな木や崩れやすい岩がないか確認し、安全な場所にテントを設営します。

5. 動物への注意

A calm campsite scene with a tent, trees, and distant mountains in the soft glow of early morning light. The image emphasizes wildlife precautions, but there is no person or vehicle in the scene. Only a wildlife warning sign and a tent remain, creating a peaceful, empty campsite focused on safety and nature.


6. 応急処置の準備

A camper preparing a first aid kit at a campsite. The person is organizing medical supplies such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and a small bottle of pain reliever into a red first aid kit. In the background, there is a tent, trees, and mountains under soft morning light. The scene emphasizes the importance of being prepared for minor injuries while camping, with a calm and organized atmosphere.




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